5 Powerful Ways You Can Empower Other Women

There is power in numbers. When that power comes from women supporting women, it is limitless.
With International Women's Day around the corner, we came up with 5 powerful ways you can empower and support other women.
Validate And Acknowledge Her Story
Many of us tend to undervalue and under-represent our stories. We fear that our stories make us vulnerable and perhaps make us look weak.

Compliment Her Inner Beauty: Her Mind And Soul
We receive comments based on our physical appearance on a daily basis. Sometimes it's positive and sometimes it's negative.
How often do you receive compliments on your inner beauty?
The next time you share a compliment, consider complimenting her inner beauty, her brilliant mind, her kind soul, her strength. The subconscious power that affirmation will have on our fellow female peers will be staggering. It will give her the confidence to push forward on her goals, her problems or any situation she is currently dealing with in her life.
Share Opportunities
There is power in promoting each other. If we can show support for one another, the opportunities in the future will increase.
Share promotion news to a female colleague who you believe is perfect for that role. Share opportunities with a fellow female business owner, who you believe could benefit from it.

Invest In Women
There is inequality when it comes down to VC backed female-owned businesses, CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies being female and wage gaps between men and women.
It's time for us as women to stand together and change these inequalities by investing in ourselves.
If you are in the VC space, look at investing in more female-founded companies. If you are in a senior position in a company, look at giving equal opportunities to women. If you are in the government sector, look at pushing the female-oriented agendas across to change-makers.
We can invest in an increased opportunity for the next generation of females in education and provide them entrepreneurial opportunities. We would be able to slowly change the socio-economic scene and build a brighter future for them.
Help Women Take Time For Themselves
Everyone needs to take some time off for themselves. As women, we tend to put everyone else ahead of us; whether it is our parents, our children or our partners. We forget ourselves quickly and a lot of times we need our sister friends to reinforce and push us to take that time off.
The next time you see a sister who needs to take that time off, help her do it.
If it's at work, cover her workload for her. If it's her children, help her by picking them up for her or treating her to a spa day.
Allow her to refuel, re-nourish and feel like herself again.
It is time for us to support each other as our future generations are counting on it.
When women support women, incredible things happen!