Natural Morning Tips for Healthier Hair

Hair can be such a hassle in the morning, especially if it's dry, brittle, or in knots! Whether you have curls, waves, or straight hair, we've all had those days when nothing but a bun will make our hair look decent. Yet there are many simple steps and products that have a great impact in your hair's health and shine, making your mornings a lot easier.
1. Cleansers
Whenever washing your hair in the morning, it's important to make sure it's completely moisturized to prevent frizz and breakage. Using too much shampoo, especially those containing sulfates, eventually damage your hair and render it weak. This leads to frizziness, and lifeless hair, which is why using cleansers are the way to go. Utilizing hair cleansers that contain natural extracts and no sulfates, such as our Rose and Jasmine Hair Cleanser, restore dry, damaged hair by bringing back moisture. These products help maintain and refresh your hair without ridding it of the oils and nutrients it needs. Including natural cleansers in your morning wash and go's will leave your hair shiny and manageable throughout the rest of your day.
2. Morning Oils
Adding oils to your hair such as coconut, olive, jojoba, avocado, argan and so many more is also essential. The thicker the hair, the more drops of oil you'll need. Essential Oil Sanctuary has a list of the ones that are best for combating hair loss and stimulating hair follicles. Our pure Argan Oil is both a facial and hair treatment, which helps hair become smoother, shinier, and silkier. It serves as the perfect hair conditioner, taming frayed ends as well. Coconut oil is the more well-known hair treatment, increasing hair growth, fixing previous hair damage, even fighting dandruff and lice. Adding a few drops of any oil to your hair in the morning will help in styling as well as healthy hair in the long run.
3. Cold Water
Have you ever heard of washing your face with cold water? Well, the same goes for hair. Rinsing your hair with cold water in the morning will rid you of frizz for the entire day. What it does is help smooth your hair cuticle, allowing for less frizz and shinier appearing hair. It helps lock in all the nutrients received from conditioning, giving the hair even more moisture, and keeping away dirt. Though it seems like a very simple step, it goes a long way!
For more on healthier hair and skin, follow our blog and contact us with any questions about our natural skin and hair care products.